The British Veterinary Camelid Society

A veterinary community working to ensure the highest standards of clinical care for all camelids in the UK.

Benefits of BVCS Membership

BVCS is a veterinary society dedicated to the welfare of camelids and the education and support of camelid vets and owners in the UK.

Camelid News

See recent articles and information regarding UK camelids.

Conference Access

Join a community of camelid vets and learn from world renowned experts in the field.

Member Area

Access to downloadable resources and a private Facebook discussion group.


BVCS Conference 2024


An exciting practical afternoon will run on Friday 15th November for hands-on first opinion work. Details to follow.

About BVCS

The British Veterinary Camelid Society is an informal group of vets and researchers with a particular interest in camelids - primarily alpacas and llamas, but also guanacos, vicunae and camels. Membership of the BVCS is open to all vets, vet students and researchers with an interest in camelids. The BVCS is run on a voluntary basis.

Student Support

BVCS are passionate about helping future camelid vets hone their skills and develop their knowledge. We aim to subsidise a talk per university per year. We support 2 student attendees at our annual conference. To apply for a conference bursary, apply below.

Membership Options

BVCS membership gives direct access to many of the papers forming the proceedings of our annual meetings in addition to detailed resources to support them in providing camelid care, discounted attendance at our annual conferences and a lively online discussion group.


Individual membership for veterinary surgeons. 


  • Conference dates
  • Research publications
  • Member-only area


Group membership available for practices.


  • Conference dates
  • Research publications
  • Member-only area


Student membership is free until graduation.


  • Conference dates
  • Research publications
  • Member-only area


Honorary life membership as decided by BVCS.

Get code

  • Contact BVCS for life member registration code