Once you have logged in the members only content will be available from the drop down menu under 'Members Area'.
Exchanging information is an important benefit of membership of the BVCS and in this section you can find useful knowledge about camelids. All has been contributed in good faith, mostly based on member’s experiences, but the BVCS cannot accept responsibility for any problems resulting from its use. If you have any relevant information you think might be of use to other members, please submit to the secretary on secretary@camelidvets.org.
Please use the log-in area on the left side of your screen to register with BVCS or to login.
Information includes:
- Past proceedings from BVCS Conferences
- Updates on TB in Camelids
- Camelid Castration Video
- The Camelid 5 Minute Consult
- A Camelid Formulary
- Biosecurity and Welfare Codes
- Videos of Camelid Procedures
and much more!